
Volume 9 Issue 2

We WIN When...We Support One Another

     It is not only imperative that we women have a seat at the table--we must also lead the conversation. Women’s Issues Network did just that on April 9th, 2024 when we hosted our 3rd Annual Women’s History Month Dinner. We were honored to hear from a group of strong female leaders that are working tirelessly to make a difference here in Ohio for you and more

Volume 9 Issue 1

We WIN When...We Embrace Our Strength in Numbers

March is Women’s History Month

     Since our country’s founding, women have been the force behind positive change. We have been at the center of creativity and innovation. Although we have largely been written out of the history books, it was women who often made advances in science, medicine, architecture, engineering and many more male-dominated professions. It took large groups of courageous and tenacious women and years of struggle to change how our roles are more

Volume 8 Issue 3

We WIN When...We Lift Our Voices

   We gathered in spaces large and small; we organized to sign petitions, and hand out literature, stickers and yard signs: we rallied successfully in Clark County to defeat Issue 1 in August. We were exhilarated to watch our county agree on something so vital to our Democracy. We managed to defeat the proposed amendment that would have taken away our right to make our voices heard by a simple majority: a sign that we are not all too far right or too far left; that we can meet in the middle, once again, to protect our reproductive freedom next month!


Volume 8 Issue 2

We WIN When...We Gather Together

    The struggle for equality in our society won’t be won through any one momentous bill, or any one momentous step--we know only too well. Rather, it’s a matter of continually working together and marshaling our efforts. It is gathering in our Statehouse testifying against harmful and discriminatory bills. It is chanting in the hallways demanding to be heard. It is submitting written testimony, emails and endless phone calls. It is all the times we’ve stood outside locked rooms or have been locked outside buildings, but have continued to disrupt their hidden agendas. It is the times we have delayed votes or pushed some horrific bills ultimately to their death. Most recently it is the hundreds of us across our state who have answered the call and organized to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures to protect the rights of women in more

Volume 8 Issue 1

We WIN When...We Gather Together
March is Women's History Month

     On March 14th WIN and our community friends came together for our (2nd Annual) Women’s History Month celebration. While we were gearing up to host this meaningful event, we learned that 2023 would be the centennial of women joining the legislators at the Ohio Statehouse. Just two short years after the Suffragists successfully fought for our right to vote, they would not only run for office, they would win. READ MORE

Volume 7 Issue 3

We WIN When...We understand what it is to be a Democrat in 2022

     It means coming back to the table time and time again until legislation can be passed to help the American people recover from this pandemic. It means staying focused on the work that remains to be done for the common good, while celebrating the significant work already accomplished. Democrats invest in infrastructure, meaningful employment, quality education, and the American people. We cheer for the wins and we mourn the losses. Democrats agree to disagree and listen with open minds. We support our neighbors, not only our family and friends. Democrats show up ready to lend a hand. We work together to make life easier for all of those around us and we understand what actual assistance truly more

Volume 7 Issue 2

We WIN When...We Support Equity in Our Communities
June is Pride Month

     During June, we’ve been able to gather together as a community, mostly all vaccinated, to celebrate Juneteenth and Pride. We’ve embraced our differences and worked at increasing our understanding. But Juneteenth and Pride have also pointed out how much work we have yet to do. READ MORE

~a very special thank you to our anonymous authors, you are seen, you are heard, you are loved

Volume 7 Issue 1

We WIN When...We celebrate and support women
March is Women’s History Month

     The Women’s Issues Network wanted to do something special to celebrate women and their achievements during Women’s History Month. As a result, we hosted Women, Social Justice, and the Law, March 10, 2022, at the Clark County Heritage Center, with guest speakers READ MORE

To Our WIN Victory News Readers:

The WIN Victory News is unique in that it welcomes many voices, many stories, and many authors.  It truly is a wealth of knowledge and each author adds to that investment! 

Want to publicize an upcoming event, make an announcement, suggest a relevant book to read, add a link to our "Important Links" page, or contribute an article to the next issue of the WIN Victory News? Email our communications team with subject line WIN Victory News,

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We reserve the right to publish or not publish items submitted to us.  If you want your name withheld from your submission, please let us know and provide the reason for your request.  

We thank each of our readers and writers as you make this publication possible!  We look forward to bringing you additional issues!

Thank you! 

WIN Communications Team